Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Breaking up is no longer hard to do!

Remember the days in the old school yard where if you wanted to break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend you had to do it face to face. It was hard to do but it on reflection it made us responsible for our actions and gave us an insight into how the other person felt.

Fast forward 30 odd years and today I can send a text message simply saying ...sorry moving on, it was fun while it lasted, see you around. Or even worse, please accept this text as my resignation, I will not be returning to work.

At the horror of sounding like my parents...what on earth is this world coming to! If you type in breaking up via text into Google you come up with 148,000 hits. Am I really that old fashioned and is it really too much to ask that people behave with a level of dignity.

There are two ways of communicating these issues face to face or via the phone; the first is far more acceptable. If you have really cared about the person or want a decent reference from your last employer then unless you want to be labelled lazy, hurtful and have bad karma slap you in the face at some stage in your life I suggest you face into your issues. People and their emotions are not disposable.

By choosing not to discuss your issues and how you will move forward dis-empowers the other person creating a lot of hurt, confusion, anger and even the danger that they may choose to hurt themselves. Part of moving on from a relationship is the ability and opportunity to discuss what is happening and supporting each other through the process.

As adults or humans we do need to take responsibility for people who we choose to share moments of our lives with and act in a way that enables us to find a way forward despite the pain we may be in.

Text is an informal method of communication, there is no way you can build emotion into the message. But worse still it is cowardly because you don’t see the level of pain you may cause the person receiving your text.

Treat others as you would want to be treated and respected. Think before you hit the send button.

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