Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Its all about choice

“We work in an environment where you need to engage your customers before they become a client”

With so many marketing messages to filter through prospective clients need to make a decision to listen to your message therefore engagement need’s to occur before they become a client. Too often I see businesses spend a lot of time on ways to engage clients after they have made a decision to become a customer. If you are one of these businesses imagine how much potential business you are missing out on?

Its all about choice; think about it - you choose which TV program you watch, what radio station you listen to, what emails you open or delete, which links to open up in Google; not sure about you but I am the remote control queen in our household.

I recently worked with two businesses, one where they were getting frustrated on despite their best marketing campaigns they weren’t getting any cut through or increase in their customer base. The other was building a base of loyal clients who were happy to refer businesses.

How does this happen? Simple really the second business understood that your customer has the power in the relationship you have with them. They knew who their customer base was, how they wanted to be engaged and interacted with which enabled them to grow their client base.

They also used tools that are available today, e.g. facebook, twitter, blog, website; invested in marketing and viewed their businesses as a whole; not two separate entities – property management and sales.

Customer engagement can be a minefield if you get it wrong, get it right however and you will have raving fans for life.

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